The world’s third PocketQube satellite constellation tech start-up — Hello Space — plans to become become one of the eye-catching technology start-ups born in Turkey and will offer worldwide data IoT service when the company’s smallsat constellation is delivered to orbit.
PocketQube satellites are the world’s smallest satellite standard, in 5x5x5 cm. size, providing extensive coverage from space through narrowband data communications. ‘Istanbul‘, Hello Space’s first test PocketQube satellite, is getting ready to take its place in space via a SpaceX Falcon9 rocket in February of 2023.
Hello Space will cover the entire world with its 5 cm. 3 ‘Istanbul’ PocketQube test satellite that will provide worldwide, uninterrupted and powerful data service at low cost. Services such as tracing the motion of cargo containers, remote monitoring of several variables as temperature, humidity levels of industrial equipment and tracking agricultural output to secure efficient supply chain management are all part of this smallsat’s portfolio. PocketQube satellite technology transfers remote sensor data in maritime, agriculture, logistics, energy, environment and climate related businesses at a much lower cost than other offerings, all with the newest technology.
“I served as Team Leader in the Grizu-263A project – Turkey’s first PocketQube satellite. I am proud to elevate my experience with Hello Space, working on newest technologies aiming to become a global data service company,” said Hello Space Co-Founder and CEO, Muzaffer Duysal.
“Hello Space boosts our ambition to put Turkey among world’s pioneers in the pocketqube satellite field, which is practically new to everyone. We are accumulating huge know-how by producing both hardware and software in Turkey”, said Hello Space Co-Founder, Zafer Şen. He is also the founding partner of OBSS Technology.
Hello Space was founded in May of 2022 as Turkey’s first, commercial, PocketQube satellite venture. Its founding partners are Muzaffer Duysal and Zafer Şen. The company aims to establish a PocketQube satellite constellation of 50+ satellites in space to offer data services with narrowband data transfer through IoT technology.