HawkEye 360 Inc. has introduced the HawkEye RF Data Explorer, an add-in for Esri‘s leading geographic information system (GIS) ArcGIS Pro desktop software.

HawkEye RF Data Explorer simplifies the experience of using the company’s RF data and analytics by streamlining the process of ingesting, visualizing, and analyzing information. Users can manipulate RF data by area of interest, timeframe, and signal type to identify patterns of life and associated abnormalities necessary to proactively impact targeted outcomes.

The ArcGIS add-in integrates a variety of maritime geolocated RF signals and associated metadata to provide critical context on actors and activities. For example, users can view information related to a vessel’s identity, activities (such as past sanctions violations) and voyage history. Vessels can be added to a watch list for automated monitoring.
“RF Data Explorer ingests HawkEye 360’s data directly from cloud data stores into our flagship analysis product, ArcGIS Pro, offering unique and valuable insights to data analysts from a variety of subject areas, said Robert Laudati, Director, Global Partners and Alliances, Esri. “We look forward to building on this innovative partnership with HawkEye 360 and providing users with powerful and integrated tools.”
“HawkEye RF Data Explorer provides a powerful capability for our customers to integrate RF geospatial intelligence into fused, multi-intelligence analysis on the world’s leading GIS platform,” said Alex Fox, Executive Vice President, HawkEye 360. “By integrating the add-in into the ArcGIS ecosystem, analysts will significantly improve their ability to use and interpret RF data and analytics to enhance their understanding of global activity. This new dimension of information provides critical insights needed to effectively understand activity using a comprehensive set of intelligence sources.”
HawkEye 360 is a leading commercial provider of space-based RF data and analytics. After successfully deploying a pioneering cluster of RF satellites in 2019, the company will commission six additional satellite clusters with enhanced data collection and processing capabilities in 2021 and 2022. On January 24, 2021, the first of these next-generation clusters, Cluster 2, was successfully launched and is undergoing testing to transition into operations. HawkEye 360’s RF signal data and analytics delivers actionable insights and a unique layer of knowledge for national security operations, maritime domain awareness, environmental protection, and a wide range of additional applications.